Combeferre connects all the wires back to the now inverted battery, under Joly's curious scrutiny and Feuilly's critical eye. He listens again, but cannot hear a signal, only Prouvaire talking enthusiastically to Enjolras. Enjolras gives only the briefest of replies and seems disdainful after ascertaining that the machine will not be useful to the cause.

Prouvaire leaves him alone eventually, and Joly and Feuilly go as well, Feuilly with a despairing glance back at Combeferre and the object. Enjolras comes over to Combeferre.

"Combeferre, this has to stop. You saw the state the others were in today. Society will never change if we don't change it ourselves, and how can we do that if we are occupied with absurd machines?"

"You don't know what could be done with it, if it works. It could be used to contact other revolutionaries." Enjolras's eyebrows lift. "Not from other planets!" Combeferre continues. Enjolras's expression relaxes. "We could use it to build a global network of communication. That's even better than what you spoke about yesterday."

Enjolras sighs. "Very well. If you think it will help the cause, you may build it at meetings." Combeferre rejoices silently.