Combeferre loads all his materials into the bag and brings it home with him when he leaves Musain. It is heavy, but he fears that it will be stolen and all his plans will come to nothing.

The next day, he sits an exam and attends three lectures, and consequently cannot go early to the meeting. But when he comes, late for almost the first time, he brings it with him and constructs it while the others talk, a small smug smile on his face.

The curiosity of the others is renewed when they see that he is not even trying to hide it any longer. They offer suggestions, throw him balled-up sketches of how it should look, come over to fiddle with the wires that he is not currently using. He fends off the worst of the meddlers, then listens to the ideas and looks at the drawings. They are utterly useless, no help at all.

He shoves his chair back from the table in frustration. "Doesn't anyone here know how to connect an electrical circuit?" he shouts.

Someone at the back of the room stands up. "Never thought to ask me, did you?"

It is Grantaire.
