After the meeting, Combeferre says accusingly to Feuilly, "Why isn't it working?"

Feuilly looks at him impassively. "I made it better. If you did it wrong to start with, what can I do?"

Combeferre moves to Feuilly's table, and together they pore over the object, trying to find out why it won't work.

Bahorel comes over and laughs at them again. "Still haven't built it, 'Ferre? Think it'll be insulted that you took so long?" He grins. "And you've gotten Feuilly involved, too! Sound, sensible Feuilly! What a crusade!"

Combeferre glares at him and is surprised to find that Prouvaire, sitting near him, does too. "There's no reason why you should make fun of him!" says Prouvaire. Then he smiles. "It will be exciting! You'll see."

Some of the Amis have left, but others still , and listen to the argument. Joly stands between Combeferre and Feuilly, pushing his glasses up on his nose, and bends over the object, examining it closely. Combeferre looks from the object to Joly and back. He remembers hearing that Joly always sleeps a certain way, so as not to counteract the global magnetic current. He disconnects everything, and thoughtfully turns the battery upside down.