"Combeferre, what are you doing?" asks Enjolras.

"I am building a communication device."

"Who are you communicating with?"

Combeferre tells the story of the extraterrestrial being that insulted him. He feels silly explaining it to his friends, even though he knows it is true. Enjolras rolls his eyes and Grantaire ignores him after the first few words, but Feuilly and Prouvaire blink at him: he isn't sure if it's in a disbelieving fashion.

Prouvaire grins happily, breaking the tension. "It's so exciting! 'Ferre's going to talk to an extraterrestrial being!" Combeferre already knows what he is going to do and wonders why Prouvaire is re-stating it, but then sees that the other Amis have entered. Bahorel looks at the small group around Combeferre's table and laughs incredulously. They all crowd around, wanting to hear.

Combeferre gets varied reactions to his tale, ranging from Bahorel's critical amusement to Enjolras's disregard to Prouvaire's excitement.

Enjolras pounds on a tabletop; shouts; stands on a chair to try to get their attention, but nothing works. The first fifteen minutes of the meeting of Les Amis de l'ABC are spent investigating Combeferre's plan, and even after they settle down, they still whisper questions to him.