Combeferre is now determined to contact the being that insulted him. After reflecting on its nature for a while, the fact that he was called a insignificant, senseless lowlife has finally sunk into his brain. In the Bible, angels visited humans to render supernatural guidance and to command; even in the popular speculative novels (Combeferre reads everything), beings from the stars usually have a better purpose than to insult random students walking home from cafes.

Or maybe it wasn't so random. The being, Combeferre remembers, checked its clipboard very carefully before directing the insult at himself, Michel Combeferre.

He has no idea why it wished to insult him. His family has always had a history of hospitality and generosity, even to foreigners. However, he doesn't know if, many generations ago, a distant ancestor may have been rude to a creature from another planet, like this one. He figures that it is possible. Perhaps the being is on a mission to find and insult every descendant of that distant ancestor.

He wonders how he will go about contacting it. He is more proficient in dissecting animals and cadavers than constructing communication devices. He doubts that a telegraph can reach that far.